VRT Innovation

Innovative tech services for VRT Innovation

VRT Innovation

VRT Innovation explores new technologies and applications to connect people to the future of media. Day in and day out, the team researches and develops new tools and work processes for productions. And that in close cooperation with media makers and users.

The Project

Which projects and technologies make the media future-proof? Our Unikoo expert supports the VRT Innovation team in their research into groundbreaking innovations that bring our public broadcaster even closer to citizens.

Technology & development

Tech in the service of the public

The VRT is constantly looking for ways to improve its services. Technological development is at dizzying speeds and offers endless opportunities. But which projects and technologies are worth deploying? And how can developments offer added value to the public?

These questions are the raison d'être from the VRT innovation team, which also includes our Unikoo expert a few days a week. Projects and technologies reach the research department from everywhere. Proposals can come from commercial technology companies, from questions from Europe, Belgium, Flanders or the VRT itself, but the team is also actively looking for promising technologies that bring public broadcasting even closer to people.

And to successfully complete so many research projects and the resulting developments, it takes a lot of manpower. That's how the VRT service ended up at Unikoo.

Developing the future media

Together with the team, our expert has already supported many projects, such as virtual meetings between fans and their idols, an automated video platform for the hottest initiatives and a fact-checking system that journalists can use to verify the reliability of their sources or investigating the usefulness of AI for public broadcasting.

Because after the idea, the validation of the technology and the usability study for and by the VRT, the elaboration naturally also follows. After all, technologies only become usable thanks to integrations with relevant applications that the public broadcaster may or may not already use. In other words, our colleague will not develop new technology at VRT himself, but will integrate promising technologies into a coherent system in function of the needs of the VRT and its audience.

How do we make a good idea come true? That is the question that our colleague is looking into together with the VRT team. They write code, build flexible software that can serve as a basis for the design phase, and they design, build and test prototypes until they achieve or reject the set goal.

Are you also looking for extra expertise to strengthen your team? Get in touch!

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Want to know more about this case?
Frederik Nijs
Full Stack Developer

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