A green energy transition, our development team as conductor
Energy supplier
Bolt is the first energy platform that wants to make the Belgian power grid truly sustainable. Through Bolt, you can buy your energy directly from local, green generators.
As an energy platform that goes against the grain, Bolt has a strong promise to fulfill. With full transparency, they are starting the fight against greenwashing in the energy sector. Because at Bolt, every supplier gets a face and you know exactly where your energy comes from. But to share knowledge in such detail and on such a scale, an advanced platform is no luxury.
Together with the Bolt team, our development experts are looking at tools and platforms that inform the user as simply and transparently as possible. We work together as partners on the energy platform, customer portal and website.

The power of transparency
A transparent energy choice, how does that work? As a Bolt customer, you start your green energy journey with an online simulation where you can choose a generator yourself. And you make that choice well-founded. You will receive all kinds of information that can help you make a conscious choice, ranging from the type of green energy to inspection certificates and the amount of available energy, to even the name and face of the generators.
And it doesn't stop here: recently, our colleague and the Bolt team further expanded this highly interactive platform with insights into their own energy consumption. As a consumer, you can see how much power you used and what the price of the energy was at that time. Based on this, the platform makes proposals that should help print the final bill.
The right tool for every challenge
Our tech team also developed a tool to support customer service. Thanks to this tool, the customer care heroes at Bolt, make adjustments at the customer's request when they could use some extra support.
The sales team can also count on technological optimizations. This is because the team developed a tool for them to adjust the simulation flow in function of the sales process. This way, they can always show Bolt's optimal functioning, adapted to the prospect's personal needs.
Processing customer feedback is also a streamlined process thanks to a customized tool. Just like photo management, by the way. The developers at Bolt are constantly working to optimize not only the customer experience, but also the business processes. And our team is happy to assist them.

SEO for a good flow
How do you make sure that prospects find your website? Right, via SEO. Searchability via search engines is a consideration that plays a part in almost all Bolt developments, not in the least when it comes to development. For example, to build the website and platform, the team opted for React in combination with Next.js. This combination not only improves the performance and developer experience, it is also the winning combo SEO-wise.
Furthermore, customized meta-tags and optimized ones ensure structured data for a good flow to the website. And if piece of resistance Bolt launched the energy encyclopedia: a handy guide that makes users wiser about terminology in the energy landscape and guides information seekers directly to Bolt's transparent platform.
Are you looking for extra support for your development team? Take contact contact us, maybe we can help you out.
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