
Why (re)branding works

The world is changing fast, very fast. Our way of communicating is also evolving, from Whatsapp and video calls to voice messaging and emoticons. In addition, digital communication enables messages to be sent out en masse. As a result, we have an overload of information to process every day. Keeping in mind these rapid evolutions and considering the high but strict standards of a spoiled user, entrepreneurs do everything they can to keep up. According to research, this should include changing or modernizing your brand identity every few years.

5 min. reading time
Charlotte Simons
Brand Designer

Are you not sure about the investment? Or perhaps you think a rebrand does not apply to your organization? Think again. There’s a lot of literature and research on this type of branding for successful brands like Apple. People don't just buy a smartphone; they buy an experience. This experience starts from the product launch and the advertising to the unboxing. Consumers are loyal, partly because the brand continues to evolve and invests in a strong brand story. Smaller organizations shouldn’t neglect this 'experience.'

An engaging customer experience starts with a strong brand and an attractive design. (Re)branding goes beyond refreshing an outdated logo. All the communications, texts, and actions you take as a company are scrutinized by designers and marketers. The ultimate goal: a consistent brand story.

A brand story, you say?

Not sure what a brand story is? Well, the new generation of 'buyers' thinks differently. After all, all basic human needs have been met in our prosperous Western society. For consumers, what matters now is to invest in a product or service they can believe in. Prospects show more interest in the vision and mission you bring out as a company. Besides, they pay more attention to how the product fits into their environment or belief system. The terms authenticity, openness, and honesty are setting the new standard.

In addition, the internet provides a wealth of information. Prospects gradually gain more power over the future of a company. The customers determine whether you count, not the other way around. Thus, your story must be correct and, above all, consistent throughout your entire brand identity. It's crucial to have consistency throughout all communications: from your website and social media (online) to a brochure and the sticker on your laptop (offline).

And finally, you must differentiate in your brand story compared to the competition. When your website contains outdated information and the competitor’s website does not, it’s easy to decide whom to trust. And the consumer has a choice, a ridiculous amount of choice.

So we have to start over?

Not at all! You don't have to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Together with marketeers, designers first take a look at your current strategy. We analyze the company based on the target group, objectives, and needs. The first step is to get to know the company. Only then we can see what approach is needed. Suppose the base is correct, then a refinement is suggested. Think of it as an upgrade of your current logo and brand identity rather than a complete redesign. This way, your brand remains recognizable to your existing customer base. But it still gets that modern touch it needs to keep up with the competition and convince new customers.

When your brand identity no longer fits your objectives or target group, or everything is outdated, a complete rebranding is the only way to go. You could need a complete rebranding for the following reasons:

  • expansion or going international
  • change in market position to reach new target groups/markets
  • new management or a new CEO
  • a bad reputation (rebranding can refresh your business and turn people's minds)
  • mergers, acquisitions, and demergers
  • when the brand identity resembles that of another company

What's in it for me?

The ROI of a (re)branding can result in better stakeholder engagement, greater social reach, or an increase in sales. It is crucial to plan how this will be measured and where to put the most value.

So, during these absurd times, think about whether your company could use a boost in its online or offline visibility. Review your entire brand identity and see if any adjustments or improvements are needed. Contact us at or call us on +32 3 376 00 98, and we will see how we can help you with this!

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