
8 questions to Ann

The expansion of Unikoo brings a new face with it. Ladies and gentlemen, we introduce you to Ann Flipkens! Ann is the Business Lead of Unikoo Limburg and will lead the startup of the office in Genk. Are you curious who Ann is and what her life is like? You are not alone. Her brand new colleagues at Unikoo also wanted to know everything about their new colleague. That is why they opened the fire with eight professional or personal questions.

5 min. reading time
Ann Flipkens
Head of Unikoo Limburg

1. How are you? (Arne: Full Stack Developer)

Ann: I'm doing great! The past few weeks have been very busy with the preparation of our collaboration, and this (hopefully) won't be much less in the coming weeks 😉 I can't wait to get started so BRING IT ON!!

2. What makes you uni(que)koo? (Kristy: Operations, Sales & Marketing Support)

Ann: Nice question! I think I'm unique due to three factors:

  • My broad field of interest and hunger for knowledge: I like to learn a lot about various subjects, which is of course an ideal match with the wide range of services Unikoo offers.
  • My ambassadorship: I breathe the product, service, or company I represent. I am a true ambassador!
  • My eternal positivity: I don't think in terms of problems. I think in terms of challenges and opportunities. That makes life a lot simpler.

3. What is your professional background? (Sander: Performance Marketer)

Ann: Believe it or not, but when I was 18 years old, I chose to be a kindergarten teacher. However, I soon discovered that I was not made for education. After an engaging, personal growth trajectory, I gained much experience in marketing and employer branding. With my great love for these two fields, I hope to be able to strengthen the team and learn a lot about these and all other services that Unikoo offers.

4. Why did you choose Unikoo? (Dries: Web Developer)

Ann: In recent years, I have often been looking for the "box" in which I fit. Was it marketing? Sales? HR? The answer was never a resounding "YES." Until six months ago, I realized that I am a generalist. I have a wide range of interests and am a sponge when it comes to discovering new things. With the wide range of Unikoo as a full-service partner, I can learn something about various topics. In addition, I will have a wide range of tasks within Unikoo Limburg, such as networking, business development, account management… which also fits entirely with who I am as a person.

I can't imagine a better challenge with an experienced team like Unikoo's behind me. I wouldn't want to pass up the opportunity to develop such a team in Limburg. Moreover, there was an instant click with Unikoo's culture, an aspect to which I attach great importance.

5. What is one of your big ambitions or dreams on a personal level? Can the start-up of Unikoo Limburg help you achieve this goal? (Jorne: Technology Lead)

Ann: Tough question! I currently have no specific ambition or dream. Every day I strive for a life in “freedom.” By freedom I mean having the ability to live a life according to my wishes. What do I need for that? Sufficient financial possibilities and space, and freedom of movement to organize and combine my own private and professional life as I wish. That may sound utopian, but I believe that we are moving more and more towards such working environments. In addition, to inspiring organizations that judge productivity, not on the number of hours worked in the office, but on customer satisfaction, happiness at work, deadlines that are being met… Unikoo also has a culture of ownership. Take responsibility for what you do. All of this undoubtedly contributes to my happiness.

6. Where do you see Unikoo Limburg and yourself within 5 years? (Ine: Finance & Admin Lead)

Ann: I believe that we can set up a team just as tough (or maybe even tougher 😉) in Limburg as in Antwerp. On a personal level, I strive to become an inspiration to employees, customers, companies, entrepreneurs…

7. In what areas does Genk's corporate culture/market differ from Antwerp's, and how will you adapt Unikoo to that? (Cindy: Talent Manager)

Ann: The culture in our Limburg branch will be strongly aligned with the culture in Antwerp. I believe in a mother culture that you should extend as much as possible. But, of course, subcultures arise within branches, teams. That's human. However, you must always check these subcultures with that mother culture. Since that culture was one of the reasons for my instant click with the company, I will make sure, together with my colleagues, to keep it standing as much as possible.

8. What do you do to relax/clear your head? (Carmen: Content Creative)

Ann: Let's say that's a working point. I try to exercise regularly, but during busy periods it is on the back burner. So it's a point for the to-do list!

I also like to hang out with friends. So snack and tap, and I'm a happy camper!

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